Friday 12 December 2008

Final thoughts on...x Celeb Scoop x

It's the end of an era... Well no not really ..just a week! But what a week it has been!..x Celeb Scoop x went live and here are my final thoughts on it...

Being Chief Editor of Celeb Scoop was a major responsibility, I had to edit all the other articles to make sure they were in th
e style of a celebrity gossip blog, plan the layout of the site, add Web 2.0 features to the side bar like polls, photos, links to other blogs, it was a lot of work!

But it has turned out great! I absolutely love it, definitely how I wanted it to be like! Witty, catty and with lots of photos to keep all our readers entertained!! Celeb Scoop is based on celebrity gossip, fashion movies and music. It is aimed at young, modern people between 15-25, majority are women that are interested in celebrity entertainment.

I know there are thousands of celebrity blogs e.g. Perez Hilton and Gossip Girls, but Celeb Scoop is unique because all our bloggers are specialist experts in niche areas, e.g. celebrity fashion, music and news, so we have the best people to write about topics that no other blog has! Also our bloggers were set roles so that the production flow ran smoothly.

In addition, we realised that many other celebrity blogs had a majority of negative comments and our blog was different in that it included both positive and negative comments to keep a balanced point of view and also to give readers 2 sides to the story!

We posted everyday and sometimes it even became a competition about who could post the most stories! I did!haha.Everyone did post regularly and seemed to stick to the style guide throughout the week.

We all enjoyed reading each others post, checking them all the time to make sure they looked good and having writing that was straight to the point! We also added lots of photos to attract viewers to read the stories. I really enjoyed being apart of our mini blogzine!

I did have a few problems with the size of the text and pictures. When editing they were fine, but when posted, they turned out completely different! Thus sometimes the posts did not look exactly as how I would have liked them to, or this is just maybe because of my OPD- Obesessive Perfectionist Disorder! I just have to have everything looking perfect! Also the links didn't seem to work properly in the beginning, moving to the wrong page, but that was soon sorted out by editing the hyperlink.

Creating this blog has also given me a great insight on how blogs operate, and what it would be like to work for a commercial blog-everyday we had a deadline and that you need to post regularly to keep up with the latest news and for readers to keep coming back!

It has also made me made realise that group blogging is a great way to get lots of posts up! Our group had 43 posts by the end of the week, most out of any other group!

I think that if I were to take this blog live into the blogosphere, we would have had to slightly redefine and focus our angle more, of how our blog is different from others, then it could have definitely worked as a successful blog!

So maybe I can be the new female Perez Hilton! hmm..

(Photos: Celeb Scoop, Mrsa notes)

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