Saturday 29 November 2008

It's all about the Boots..

I love the winter, really I do. It's not Christmas, it's not the snowflakes, it's not the January sales. It's my passion for one thing - Boots!

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the sandals of the summer just as much as the next girl, but come August, I'm pretty fed up with blisters, painting my toenails, making sure my feet are preety and I'm ready to slip my tanned feet into some sassy boots.

Now I am a shoe lover of gargantuous proportions. From New look to Miu Miu, I don't have a favourite brand - I just love shoes! In fact it wasn't until I had to move house that I got found out for my addiction.

When the removal men dropped one of my 15 boxes labeled 'Scientific Equipment' and 'Clever Books' and 18 little boxes slid out… not revealing more boxes like a Russian doll, but yep, you guessed it. SHOES!!
So what boots am I excited about this winter? Well, boots are still very tall this season, and by tall, I mean long up the leg, knee skimming, even over the knee is definitely in.

Pirate is fading away as are over complicated boots, tassles, ties and so forth are taking a back seat, although minimal use is still ok.

As is wearing your boots over your jeans, which is the best trend to ever hit this side of the Atlantic with our rainy weather… No more going home with jeans sodden up to the thigh as if you've been on a fishing trip.

But don't think that it's all simplistic this season, there is a new sense of style and luxury with a retro touch that will strike the right balance between casual and classic elements.

Decorative shoes are around but in a more eccentric fashion hybrid of both the arty bohemian lifestyle of the 20s and of the Woodstock generation of the 70s.

The platforms we all swore we weren't going to wear again and wedge heels are still a strong contender, but less brash for the slightly more reserved classy Brit look. Riding boots are still massive, as is the welly (you should still have some left over from your festival of love but chuck them out and invest in a really good pair).

Above all, don't be a slave to fashion, get on eBay, pick up some vintage and get them re-heeled and re-soled (grips essential for not falling over stupidly on a date during the frosty seasons).

Customize them yourself, wear them with leggings, legwarmers or silly woolen socks popping out the top. Just make your style your own, it works for Kate Moss, but then again, not for Helena Bohem Carter!

(Photos: Style it online)

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